
stay classy san diego


why did i go to california last week you ask? i will tell you:

my smart, talented, creative, beautiful and accomplished sister Charity graduated with Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy.

on top of that it was also her birthday, so we took her to the most delectable restaurant in Mission Viejo called RIPTIDE.
i recommend full-heartedly. look how much freaking food we had!!

i was just minding my own business at Charity's graduation party when i was attacked by this gal...
if you know who this is, she told me to tell you hi and that she misses you.
if you don't know Daile Wilson you're missing out!

my family is so hot right now.
these lame-o kanye glasses are EVERYWHERE down there.

my Grandpa Al lives in San Juan Capistrano and so we hung with him a lot.
his interests include:
islam, mini-sailboat racing, being patriotical, and being horrible at card games when you have to bluff.

my grandpa is also a veteran Navy Commander and so on Memorial Day he took us to Camp Pendleton to watch some Marines come home from Afghanistan. for someone who thinks Memorial Day just means a day off and a good BBQ, i was really proud and moved by the whole thing. regardless of i feel about the war, i was still filled with gratitude for their sacrifices!

stay tuned for Part Two...


Hey Ho it's Ashleigh Noel said...

You look pretty in all these photos.
Oh how my little emung has grown since ivy days.

Hey Ho it's Ashleigh Noel said...
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Coby Gerstner said...

The new ratatat leaked and I had crepes that night! Both were amazing.

Lindsay said...

I wish I could have been there for the reunion with Daile, I bet it was great!

yo yo said...

Can I ask you where you got your cute gladiator gold sandals! They are just what I am looking for!

Emily Frame said...

of course mystery Dru, Old Navy!

Anonymous said...

good we're glad you're home!! we missed you!!

avery and me

charity said...

thanks, em!!! I love you and am so glad you came to play with me!!


Kit said...

Sure was a fun week and I'm so glad you could come with us, Emily! It was wonderful to get to spend more time with you than I do when we're in Provo!
love, Mom

CHUNTZ said...

Love the shades pic...and you wanted mine? Who were you fooling?

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