this is a cautionary tale for all of you who like us, thought jaundice was no big deal...
when Hayes was born his bilirubin levels were normal (a 12). the next day [i am sure because we kept all sunlight out of our room to protect his new little eyes] he went up 5 points. (a 17.)
they sent us home on Friday and on Saturday our pediatrician sent over a light bed with a real loser of a delivery guy. he said, and i quote, "yeah, you know try to have him lay in that whenever he's up to it." he should have said,
we can't blame him, but yeah we sort of do. we tested Hayes the next day and he was a 23! our pediatrician scared the hell out of us letting us know that if he went up one more point he'd be hospitalized. after that would be a blood transfusion, after that would be brain damage. did you know little old jaundice could do that? me neither!
you can imagine how completely shattered russ & i were that our actions were not helping Hayes get better, but worse. after hearing grim news like that, we made that bed our best friend.
so for Hayes first week and a half of of his life he has spent like a true Guido-- in tanning bed. he is such a good boy, he never cries in the bed, and he sleeps probably 22 hours a day so we've been able to get his levels down a few points everyday.

the only time he (therefore, me too) leaves the house is
to get his blood drawn every morning, or the occasional
sun-in-your-face walk. he's such a lamb.
we're still chipping away at his numbers, this morning he was a 12 and he needs to be a 10 before he can get off the bed. if you have a prayer for little Haysies, we'll take it.
Emily & Russ-
Oh the horror and stress of high billirubin counts. When I brought Grace home from the hospital she was pretty bad but you keep your little one on the light and only take him off to feed him or change him. Did the doctor tell you that feeding him formula is actually a faster way to get his billirubin down because breastmilk actually keeps the level elevated, so you pump whenever he's hungry and have Russ give him a bottle. I'm sure you've already heard this but since no one else had commented yet I figured I would hound you with my nickel's worth of free advice. Take it or leave it :) Hayes is so handsome.
Thank you for the tip! No one told us that- we've heard lemon water, essential oils, but not that so thanks!
Poor guy! Of course we'll pray for him! My son had jaundice too- no where near as bad. We just had to lay him down next to a window a lot when he was first born. Isn't that the strangest thing?? Hope his levels are back to normal soon! I know it's easy to go stir crazy being stuck at home and NOTHING hurts worse then your child going through something rough.
Poor little guy! Hope he gets better soon! I love that first picture with his hands covering his precious..
I am not sure if you remember me from High school, but i love your blog! Your amazing. I just want you to know my little girl had jaundice and was in the tanning bed for a week and half as well.. It is miserable i know. She was in it all the time, i thought i was going to die.. looking back now it was really not that bad and goes by soo fast in the long run. I was so worried about her, and getting her blood taken every day.. that little foot prick was so sad. It gets better, and once it goes away, you feel so much better!! Just remember it will go away and he will be just fine! I know how you feel though, and I will keep him in my prayers for sure!! He is so dang cute, enjoy every stage, they are so much fun!!
Oh Emily I totally know how you feel Taimi and I went through the same thing. We had to go in every day for a week to get her heal pricked it also was the only time I left the house besides walks darn that yellowness! they also had us give Taimi a little bit of formula every day which helped it go down too.
I too always thought Jaundice was a not too big of a deal thing that is really kind of common. WHO KNEW IT COULD GET LIKE THAT?
The delivery guy should have been very clear and professional about it. I would blame him too. I mean how are you two suppose to just know?
bah. hope your little one feels and gets better soon!
we've been there with all 3 of them, I totally feel your pain!
UGH!!! I am so sorry poor little guy! He is sooooo darling Em,our prayers are with your cute fam:)
Stupid delivery guy...seriously. Avery's got up to a 19 when she was less than 5 lb....did you know the scale is also based on their weight...the lower the weight the lower the bilirubin number has to be before it hits a dangerous as he gains weight the numbers can actually be higher without being as least thats what our Special Care docs told us. Did they also tell you how its not just a blood transfusion but a COMPLETE blood transfusion...they remove and replace the blood supply in the entire body. That scared the crap out of us. Anyway, keep up the fun times in the tanning bed. At least he's a tough little guy and seems pretty content to hang out in the thing.
That is so scary! I'd blame the delivery guy too :)
jeepers, that sounds scary!! but it also sounds like Hayes is going to be fine :) Those are the CUTEST piccies xxxx
Oh hes so cute! He is in my prayers. Also, If you are planning on nursing, i bet youll be wearing those cute jeans i saw on the side of your blog in no time!
I am so sorry! I would have told you if I would have known. Ada was the same way except she hated the bilibed which was a nightmare because who wants their newborn to have to sit and scream on the bilibed when all you want to do is cuddle them and especially not let them even wimper a bit. I am so glad he sleeps like a champ on it and that his levels are coming down! He's in our prayers!
I'm SO sorry! Cole had Jaundice and they sent us home with a billie blanket. I don't really think it did anything, but we were told to always keep him in it. I totally wouldn't be suprised though remembering the dude who brought it to us. I think the nurse gave us the instructions. Anyway, I'm sure he'll be better in no time! We'll be thinking of you guys...and him.
So sorry you've had to deal with the dreaded Jaundice! Anna and Clark both had terrible trouble with this...Anna spent 3 days back in intensive care. -- Lots of water and lots of time on the lights eventually did the trick. -- Hayes is a DOLL! Keep your chin up. You're just getting the crash course in mommy-hood.
Went through the same thing with kate, her levels were first a 19 than a 23 as well and the next morning if they had not gone down than she would be hospilitized as well, scared Brian and I horribly. Kate was in that bed 24 7 and than they jumped all the way down to a 13 over night, I feel ya hardest thing ever made me cry everytime. But good luck and we will pray for hayes. Hes darling you 2 love ya and good luck!!!!
Consider the prayers said.
Come Hayes! You can do it!
oh, poor little guy! He is so cute in the pictures though. Hope he gets better soon!
poor little guy!
i feel for you. my little norah had high levels too.
she had to stay in one of those beds 24-7 too. but ours was all enclosed and she had to wear these sad little "sunglasses" things that she wanted nothing to do with. it was hard not to get her out of there. and, i'm sure you know that it's not easy to sleep in a room with neon lights going...
i hope he gets better soon!
there's nothing like the day when you can send those beds back!
Your cute mom text or called my mom when you guys were going through this so my whole family started praying for you guys and your cute baby! I am so sorry that you are going through this and we will keep you in our prayers!!! p.s. he is beautiful!
aww your poor peanut.
he is so cute. I hate that you guys are going through this.
hoping he keeps getting better!!
Congrats! Your little man is a dream! Keep tanning away little guy. you are just precious. I know your uncle and aunt sure love you here in Chicago!
he is so precious. i hope he is feeling better. a prayer will go his way!
So glad he's out of that thing!!! I'm so sorry. I know how scary and horrible it is. You just expect to bring your little bundle home without any worry of something like this! I cried and cried the entire week.
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