

guess who went to church for the first time?
this guy.
he thought it was a real snooze. literally, he was snoring.


Uncle Cbass said...

That tie is epic.

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

ahhhh his tie is adorable :) haha LOVE.

Angie said...

You have got to be the cutest parents ever! Every photo I see you literally have happiness in both your eyes. I love it.

Angie said...

Left you a comment on my blog! ;)

journeytojohanssontown said...

twinner ties are the best. I am sure that won't be the last time I see that on those two.

jessica kiehn said...

a tie on an infant...doesn't get cuter than that. Possibly a bow tie?

Dana Dastrup said...

It's ok I feel the same way about church as well!! So thats nothing new!! He is such a stud!

robin said...

what a big day. he is truly, truly adorable.

i dreamt last night that i met you in real life. not to freak you out or anything. i'm just keeping it real...

cherice said...

is it horrible that i still haven't gone! and im not taking him till may! ps have you realized we get mothers day gifts this year!!!! yahoo!

Unknown said...

I love the hilarious face that he's making -- so adorable :)

Chelsey said...

He's a Mormon!

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