Some photos from this Spring! How big and cute are they??
Me and Cal // Hayes riding his friend Gus Petersen's dirt trail
Popsicles // Easter Bunny! (Nicole)
Once on Broadway (amazing amazing amazing, so cleverly stage directed and so up my alley) // More popsicles
I wonder sometimes if they realize how majestic their stomping grounds are
Mt. Timp // Spring Blossom Shower
Cal's Happy Place since 2011.
Hayes finally seemed to grow out of his picky eating phase. PHEW! Russ and I were constantly telling him if we're eating it it's because it tastes good. He didn't believe until this Spring.
First (and definitely not the last) Hot wing:
A taste of REAL pizza (costco you're good, but Pizzeria 712 has you beat.)
Sunset at a park
Bijou Market! I got bronchitis the first afternoon and it was brutal. It took me a solid week to feel back to up to par. I've never experienced anything like it!
Early morning brothers
More Easter Festivities. Look at that easter basket grocery bag. Ha!
Papa Mike stayed with us for a few weeks in March to help Russ get back on schedule at work(s). Haven't been able to mention that he started a delivery laundry and dry cleaning business (its and had recently taken the plunge on flipping houses, which is a long time dream of his. Meanwhile his regular business exploded. He has been working around the clock! 12 hour days and then comes home helps me put the boys to bed and goes back for a few more. CRAZY! Mike helped him out a ton and spoiled them with this ninja turtle car:
Cal's face, be scared buddy.
When you ask Russ to smile. He's more of a candid guy. Or maybe a no pic at all guy, maybe that's where the boys get it. You'll thank me later Frames!
Big 5 year old still napping. I'll never let go!
A round of Itty Bitty Ball - a sports camp to help introduce sports to toddlers. Too funny.
Cal the lefty // Cal's face is so serious here it makes me laugh.
He would get pouty anytime he wasn't good at something. Catching, throwing, running, making a basket. He would say he wasn't good at it and get so sad. But, no matter where he was in his emotional state he would always make his way back to the group cheer. "I love Itty Bitty Ball!"
Love going on adventures with them. They're at such a great age!!
Bridal Veil on scooter.
Two from Small Fry stuff that I love...
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