Callum is super tall and super skinny. I don't think he's broken 40 pounds yet, maybe 36? He's light as a feather, a long slender torso, long arms and legs, everything is long. His fingers and toes too. I remember when he was a newborn and would sleep with his hands to his face, his long fingers framing it like a ballerina. He is still long and graceful and has the most beautiful pointed feet I've ever seen. Not saying he'll be a ballerino, but he for sure could.
He is so full of life. I have found myself in hundreds of laugh attacks together with Cal. He gets so giggly especially at bed time and we will both laugh to tears. He is always quick to laugh and quick to be distracted. He has become very reasonable which I am so grateful for, that was not the case the last couple years! He is so much fun, he gets so excited and pumped about things. He makes everything more fun.
So happy at the 4th of July parade
He loves to wrestle, play weapons, and go super fast on his scooter. He absolutely flies on that thing, its a Micro scooter so he leans to steer and he has this crazy balance that will for sure help him with sports later in life. Get this kid on a surfboard!
Every face he makes is just intense, stink eyes, smiling, excitement.
Here is he "breathing fire" to kill Daddy in a play fight. // Jumping off the stairs.
Callum loves to eat carbs and cheese. He loves chicken, cantaloupe, egg in a frame, and bacon. The kid can pound 8 slices in a sitting. He went from a breastmilk fanatic, to a whole milk fanatic, to an almond milk fanatic to nothing. He had to get 4 crowns on his front teeth due to all this milk at night and that was enough motivation to stop the sippy cups at night. He has been to the ER a few times this year. Tripping into my bed frame and needing stitches on his lip, getting bit by a few different dogs. He has my anxiety at red alert most of the time. He moved from a crib to a bunk bed but loves to fall asleep in mom and dads bed and we move him when we're ready to sleep. He sleeps each nap in my bed too, which I love to lay by him for a few minutes. He still (since he was little) sleeps right on top of his pillow horizontally. He is the cuddliest boy and wraps his little legs tight around you like a koala bear.
And I can't forget Skylanders. He's been obsessed with them the better part of a year. He watches YouTube videos, plays with the figures, or plays the video game throughout each and every day.
He knows all their names and every chore, every dollar he earns is going to go toward Skylanders.
We have so many of those dumb things. They bring him so much happiness and I don't know what I'll do when he grows out of them. They better have a killer resale value on eBay!
Callum is smart as a whip. He could easily go to Kindergarten with Hayes for how much he knows, but we have taken our sweet time helping him become more comfortable and assimilated. Being the baby he didn't seem ready to me last year, or even this year up until the end of the Summer. He loves being at home, with me. The last few months or so he has started to open up to friends, other adults, teachers at church and even strangers. Makes me happy to see him more comfortable when he's out of his comfort zone. He starts preschool next week and the whole thing is giving me butterflies. I am glad we are here, to this point, that he is ready, but its bittersweet. A couple mornings a week they'll both be at school, and its just me and Leo. More on Leo later!
Some funny things I wrote down throughout the year that cal said ---
When I was rocking him to sleep each night with his sippy (until the dentist of course) the last thing he would say every single night was "Leave the dahyer (door) open.
He's outgrowing this one but was highly prevalent most of the 3rd year -- if you laugh at him or he senses you're making fun of him he will yell "Its! Not! Fun-nayyyy!" or "Stop! Looking! At! Mayyyy!" (he yelled this at our bishop while we walked down he hall at church one day.)
I was rocking him, kissing his cheeks and said "oooh these taste like marshmallows!" he flung his leg up and landed his foot right on my face and said "Be-tend (pretend) this is bacon." Dead seriously.
"This might sound strange, but I don't have very many Skylander Giants." (he has a million)
Hayes was expressing worry that he was going to have bad dreams that night about a shark eating his hands and feet. Cal said "I had a bad dream too, that mom wouldn't let me take Skylanders to bed."
--> Here he is tasting is from scratch cake that turned out so yummy but so ugly. It was the least I could do when he wanted a skylander giant cake topper. Those sugar sheets might be easy but they are hard to make photo worthy, that's for sure.
Happy birthday Honeyman! You've grown so much this year and I can't wait to see what your 4th year brings you! You bring us so much happiness and laughter and the world is absolutely yours.
Love, Mom.
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