
hayes' summer

I feel like I hardly saw Hayes this Summer. He was out playing virtually all day and night. 
Toward the end of Summer his best friends Cole and Stella moved to Midway and then a month into school August's family moved a few blocks away, so now I see him a lot more. ;)

Getting the garden ready. Hayes still lives for a project. Cooking, DIY, art, anything he can get his hands on. My little sidekick!
Last day of pre-k! He went to this school for two years so they got to know one another really well.
Such a cute little school! Miss Sarah and Miss Robyn

Snapchat jokes.
At the very beginning of Summer we finally took the training wheels off. He took off his first pass.
Such a natural! He was riding with his feet over the handlebars and down hills that same day.
Crazy kid!

A few more from Summer

Love this happy, kind and sweet 5 year old!!

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