
why russ won't bleed blue

russ has always played intramurals with his friends through BYU
until recently his hair has gotten too long...
last year the ref wouldn't let him play for this same reason, so russ had me cut 2 inches off in the middle of the court so he could play.
once he realized what he had done he swore and got kicked out anyway.

last weekend the beedies really needed him for an ultimate frisbee game--
50 bobbies later...


Hayley Anderson Photography said...

You're husband is a crack up! He should just play in a swim cap. And that last shot of you is beautiful...

p.s. now I'm even more worried about myself. i'm turning into my forgetful mom.

Matt Clayton said...

Hahaha Yogurt Land is right.
Love the hair solution.

Dana Dastrup said...

Em I have to agree with Hayley that you do look Beautiful in that picture... you ALWAYS do!! Let's get together soon...What do you say?

Prina Family said...

I agree, you look so pretty in that last pic! I love Hello Yogurt!!! Yum i should go there now...

Kayla R. said...

ha ha ha ok long hair is awesome!!

Kayla R. said...

ha ha ha ok long hair is awesome!!

charity said...

please make hello yogurt always have sugar free. amen.

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