
speaking of bikes...

what would you do if you took your kid to school in
a purple fuzzy robe and Crocs, bed-stamped hair and then...
you pull up next to this Cat?

i don't know about you, but i'd throw my kid in front of elle macpherson's
moving bike to create a diversion and burn rubber outta there.


and now that you know why i'd make a terrible mother, i need to switch gears
and pose a random question...

EVERYTIME i give my legs a shave-aroo i get razor burn. bad.
i wax my legs october - february which may be factor but
i've tried baby oil, a tub full of water, a prayer, creams, soaps, new razor, dull razor...

and my legs still get aced!my razor burns have razor burns and as much as i'd like
to never shave again, i thought i'd turn to the well of wisdom that is you:

how do you avoid the burn of the razor?


journeytojohanssontown said...

buy the smooth legs gadget thing I have it is terrific. I would know I am in the same boat as you, razor burn sucks.

{amy k.} said...

Origins has some great products... one I've tried, one I haven't.

Easy slider- it works to help soften the follicles.

And a new one is "fire fighter", I think the name sums it up.

You can buy them online at origins.com, if you try either one, let me know how it works!

Sara Ancich said...

Aquaphor first, then shaving cream on top. After...aquaphor again. P.S. I have been a "blalker" for a long time. You are funny.

Emily Frame said...

i thought all was lost! thanks for the ideas ladies!

katie said...

Have you tried laser hair removal? I just did it and it's amazing! Just a thought! :)

Leslie said...

Elle is incredible!

I am sure you'll look just like that when you're a mommy.

Logan said...

just keep waxing throughout the summer! I stopped waxing and my legs started getting razor burn bad too. I hate shaving!!

Lindsey S. said...

I use a shick razor and I use conditioner instead of a foam. It gets your legs smooth too. I've noticed too if I shave my legs first thing in the shower I get razor burn. They need to be in warm water for a while for me to feel like I can really shave them. Or a nice bath before hand too. Hope it helps.

collin said...

I soak legs in lampoil, light a match, and burn them. Minus some small scarring, it's cost effective.

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