we bought bon iver's but i wouldn't mind any of these, how cute for a nursery??? (not an announcement)
all this nursery talk, along with a post i read over at dooce got me thinking.
i know parents always say that they did all the things they said
they'd never do when they had kids.
one of my "never-dos" has always been crappy kids music. i'd much rather my kid got a taste of the good stuff then listen to disney radio or "repetitive treasure map song #45."
so i am just curious, parents out there, where are you on this debate?
kids songs all the way, your collection of bootlegs and rare finds, or somewhere in the middle?
nowhere in the middle. my finds only. i'll die first before quinn rocks out to the sounds of baby einstein.
I read that post too. The only "kids" music I think I'll be able to put up with is They Might Be Giants... and that's just because Dave listens to them on a daily basis, lol :o)
sorry, didn't mean to post twice
ALl my kids are a little older so I can't make them listen to anything really. When they're young, I say listen to what you like!
Well the only kid music that he's really heard is from "The Chipmunk Adventure" but I listen to that on my own anyway;) He's had his fair share of Queen, Beastie Boys, MJ. Some days I think I'll be in big trouble for what I'm doing but hey Dirty Dancing was my favorite movie when I was 4 and I think I turned out okay;)
these posters are incredible! i want one!
i just checked - all the ones i love are sold out. still very very cool though. thanks for sharing!
our 18 month old will only move to our music - it's like kid music or tv show songs don't register to her as music. several times a day, she runs into our office, moves the mouse around looking for itunes, screaming "dance! dance! dance!" until you turn something on for her.
we think she's pretty awesome :)
Are you ready to gasp and scream in terror? I basically don't even listen to music anymore. I don't know why but sometimes it is just nice to have the quiet or NPR. So lame but very true. I hope your music love carries on after you have a little bub. I always thought mine would and then it died. Or I guess it's just dormant until I can regain control?
It takes a lot of energy to always be on the lookout and preventing your kids from listening to mainstream kids music, especially because no matter how hard you try, they will hunt it down. That is energy that I dont have or want to expend on something so silly. Jo Bros, Wonder Pets, Prince, Journey, ABBA as well as all my idie favs rock at our house!
I will add to this survey. My lady is still pretty young but I am in the middle {more toward my music though}. While she goes to bed she listens to the Baby Einstein classical music remakes but beside that it is our music or the lullaby versions of Radiohead or Coldplay, etc.
Her first baby dancing was to a song by "The Kills" so she is doing pretty good so far in her musical training! :) But if she likes some kid songs that is ok too, whatever makes her happy!
I think I'll be somewhere in the middle but leaning towards our own cool music. A nice balance of both! :)
I say let your kids listen to music you like...that can be kid appropriate. For instance I have a cd of insturmental music I put on for Alexis if she is cranky and not falling asleep and Erika will sneak in her room and take out the cd and put in a Paramore one. We have always had Erika just listen to whatever we listen to and now that is the kind of music she likes. Its nice not having to listen to Baby Beluga or something equally lame everytime we get into the car!!
Of course the middle is best, because as much as you try to keep them away from bubble gum they will go to school and be inticed by what everyone of there not as cool as them friends are listening to. My dad raised me to only like good music and now I am a music snob. So I am going to take the middle approach, teach them the good stuff and hopefully they won't like the crap. Does Acapella chrurch songs coun't as crap?
i'm all about the kids listening to what i like. i love it when my oldest says from the back of the car, "i like this music!" when i'm listening to david gray.
but then there's things you can't avoid. like grandma getting them a "disney princess" cd and then, well, you just can't avoid that. every time we get in the car, "belle, belle belle!"
sometimes i have to compromise. and it's hard. but there is cool kids music out there. we LOVE the barenaked ladies kids album...
That's hard I would say im a middle grounder. The other day we were in the car listening to my music and the song said something was stupid and Evrest had to tell me that the song was bad because it said stupid. Sounds silly but I have told her not to say people are stupid, that it's not right. I guess I learned a lesson. They are sponges!
oh my.
when bon iver was at the gallivan earlier this summer I stood by a young mother, her mother, and her one year old little boy.
She told us how since he was born, and colicky how the only thing that soothed him and put him to sleep was bon iver.
We WATCHED as Bon Iver began and this little baby game 100% attention to the music, staring, mesmerized.
It was fantastic. I can't wait to play my little babies Bon Iver someday.
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