before Cal arrived we wanted to have a few new little things for Hayes to enjoy so i stocked up on some children's books i loved when i was little. he is loving 3 of them... The Jolly Postman
is literally hiding on the top shelf of his closet. i remember reading that book and taking such special care of each page and each letter like they were historical artifacts. he can look at that one when he's 15 and knows how to respect a book. ;)
thankfully these books have been a lifesaver. poor Cal has been in the bili-bed just like Hayes was. Cal has been in 9 days and counting and his levels never got above a 13 (Hayes was a 23). we've just been hovering around 10.1-13.9. seriously, yesterday he was a 10.1 and our (ahem-anal) pediatrician said "leave him on until he's under a 10!" so we've been pretty much quarantined to the house and reading books over and over!
getting shipments of books this week made me feel a titch nostalgic for college. without fail each semester i had the butterflies walking in the doors to my new classes, vowing to stay motivated and comitted to the daunting reading assignments. so fun!
since i know that many of you are college students i heard about Campus Book Rentals a few months ago and thought i'd share... i rarely bought books from the book store unless i had to, and if i had to you can bet i was groaning the whole way to the check-out. such a rip-off. Campus Book Rentals is pretty genius if you ask me, because there is none of this buy and sell back business, and therefore money lost business.
if you are getting ready to buy a grundle of expensive text books, check out Campus Book Rentals! they are offering 50% all your textbooks this semester in exchange for a blog post about textbook rentals, how you save money in college, or even a post about their partner Operation Smile. email angela @ campusbookrentals dot com to get set up!
Operation Smile is dear to my dad's heart, he travels the world with them each year and volunteers anesthesia for cleft palate surgeries to those in need. with every book rented Campus Book Rentals will donate proceeds to Op Smile. awesome!
if you'd like to sponsor a Ruffling Feathers review, email me at emilykframe @ gmail dot com
if you'd like to sponsor a Ruffling Feathers review, email me at emilykframe @ gmail dot com
Pretty sure I read some of those books to you when you were a wee one. Brings back memories for me too.
i LOVED the jolly postman when i was little! great choice.
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