
chloe susanna DIY

the inspiration:
Chloe Susanna $2200.00
the middle ground option:
Jeffrey Campbell (Free People) $248.00

or the cheapest knock-off ever:
i started with these boots from GoJane.com
that i hadn't worn in 2 years, ha!
(this is why i never throw anything out, you never know! (hoarder))

i cut off the boot shaft, removed the bucked strap
and separated the front and back piece - ripping worked just fine.

i trimmed the pieces down as far as i could
they need to be pretty short otherwise you can't fit your foot back in the boot later.
now that the pieces are separated and no longer hemmed, they need to be glued down.
 hot glue works fine.
once they're dry, glue the pieces back into the boot.
i also added the buckle from the cut part of the shaft to the base.
for this part, i used hot glue. it worked great because it was connecting a fiber to the pleather.
once that is dry, you can fold the pieces back over the boot, hiding the cuts you made.
for gluing pleather on pleather, use gorilla glue or a good super glue.
otherwise hot glue just peels right off.
to add the stud effect i bought metallic 
fabric paint at Hobby Lobby.
they had one that is specially made to dry raised and rounded, so i went with that.
it comes in packs of silver, chrome, copper, and gold.
while i adore the gold on the Chloe boot, i decided to match the buckle on this boot.

let it dry for a couple hours and you're done!

outfit inspiration


Grace said...

this is incredibly impressive!


Unknown said...

that is so awesome! you got really crafty and creative and your final result turned out fantastic. one of the best DIY's I've ever seen.

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