
weekend whirlwind

 before i got to enjoy Russ & my seven year wedding anniversary i had a little craft marathon to run. in the figurative sense. 

my two good friends Alison and Susan are lethal dreamers. i say that because i think we all have big dreams, but they say "why the heck not, let's do it." and it's so inspiring! early next month they have the most impeccably designed, on-trend, progressive e-book of crafts for the holidays coming out called A Hip Handmade Holiday. they flew in a small handful bloggers from around the country to come test it out for the weekend and were gracious enough to invite Small Fry! it was a weekend of the royal treatment and i have a few scrounged up instagrams to prove it. dismal, i know!

it all started with a welcome dinner at Sundance. i sat next to Nie Nie forpetessake. it was a lovely evening and i caught up with old and met some wonderful new friends, too. 

Liz of Cotton and Curls and cuddling up after a delicious dinner.

the next morning each blogger made a craft from A Hip Handmade Holiday and then filmed a segment with Sus and Alison. you'll get to see that piece of movie magic in a couple weeks. [cringe!]
i made the Book with Pop! pop-up book and i currently carry it in my purse, not to show you my cute boys, but to show you my proud craft baby. 
i was so thrilled beyond to have my favorite, Natalie Holbrook by my side all weekend. she made a killer Gucci-esque leather catch all that i'm sure she'll be showing off, too.

that night we partied til the break of 11:30 and ate incredible mini-food (tiny chicken and waffles that i was slayed dead over) and mingled with the best crafters and bloggers around. i finally had my Small Fry ladies by my side and life was good. i know that i'm the luckiest to have a job that involves my kids and two of my dearest friends. i know.

Vivint sponrored the whole weekend and our so incredibly generous and giving to this community of creatives. so when you saw #thanksvivint everywhere, that's why!
the book launches in a little over a week and we'll be sharing all about it then, but like i said it was a whirlwind weekend and saturday was the perfect ending to it. 
more on our anniversary later!

thanks to @jmrammell @nicolecalleen @natthefatrat @thecraftpack for these instagrams!


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