
good hair day / 8

Brought to you by Salon K. a full-service salon located at 5047 Edgewood Drive in Provo, UT.(801) 226-7985 open Tuesday-Saturday.

Blog // Instagram: @salonk_ // Facebook: Salon K // Pinterest for more awesome hair ideas!

I'm loving this guest post from Salon K! I'm thinking fabric milk maid braids might be the next big thing for our friends the hipster-types. Next stop, Coachella! Here's how they did it:

1. Separate your hair into two equal parts, bringing the two ponytails behind your ears, but in front of your shoulders. Then separate one side into three parts as you prepare to braid it. Take a strip of fabric, a few inches longer than your actual hair's length and add it to one of the three sections. You can add a strip of fabric to each section, as shown above. Then braid down as usual and tie it off with an elastic.

2. Repeat on the other side.

3. Bring both braids up over the top of your head overlapping the ends and securing with bobby pins.

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