
9th anniversary

For our 9th anniversary we did something we've never done before since having kids. Left them with a sitter over night. One of us has ALWAYS put them to bed. always. 
we both have our own complexes and giant lists of reasons why we didn't want to leave them before this point, but as they've gotten older we knew we had to give it a shot. we had all these plans to do bigger and longer trips but figured we should start with one night first.

so thanks to our moms we spent a night back at the Grand.
i forgot what it is like to not be on a schedule or have somewhere to be. that is my life's reality right now, so having really nothing to do but whatever we wanted was so nice!

our anniversary gift from the concierge and our super chic fan. kids or no kids, no can be asked to sleep without a fan.

we shopped around, tried Flemings (super good but Ruth's is better) and relaxed at the Grand Spa.

the next day we had quite the task when we had plans to go the temple but realized Russ forgot his church clothes. he refused to buy anything nice so we found the nearest (super far) thrift store and died laughing as he tried to find something not embarrassing to wear. you can't tell but he's wearing jeans. the pants options were slim at Saver's.

another awesome meal at Faustina for breakfast. puff pastry eggs benedict. i meannnn.
the anniversary wasn't over just yet... the next week we had tickets to see Alt-J for our 9 year tradition of taking in a concert to celebrate. Alt-J has foiled me twice now to see them live, we originally planned our Nashville trip around seeing them and then they lost their guitarist and stopped touring. i was starting to think i'd never get to see them so i was a happy girl!


such a great anniversary. the boys did so well, slept all night and were good boys for our moms so it was a great first trip alone. the past couple years have been real doozies and have left me really digging deep. i feel like my heart and mind have been rendered and hopefully come out a little bit stronger and more empathetic a person. Russ has been so patient and kind and invested in helping me get through it all. he really is such a wonderful companion and partner i love him so much!

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