we squeezed every drop out of this Fall season. it seemed extra amazing and beautiful to me this year and i couldn't get enough!
Bridal Veil Falls (can you spot Cal?)
the ski lift at sundance complete with scary suckers
they did so good on the lift! last time we did this Cal was wriggling out of my arms. oh the difference a year makes!
at the top!
so beautiful!
we (cal and i) did a couple hikes this summer but this one in the middle of fall was so pretty!
thankfully i had friends to take turns carrying him. he looks so giant and it made me laugh the whole way up.
on our way out.
this has nothing to do with Fall but i told Hayes to show Cal how to scrub his arm pits and it was the cutest thing i've ever seen, Cal watching Hayes so intently and copying his every move.
we are still Summer people so we had to hit the indoor pool. they woke me up with goggles on and asked all morning so i sort of had to. we'll be here a lot these cold months i predict.
more leaves
my mom's yard is the perfect place to enjoy fall. so many trees + the river. i tossed one million rocks and sticks into that river thinking about life, love seeing my boys do the same.
and halloween:
Cal looked through every page on Amazon (i let them pick and i don't care to make them in advance in case they change their minds, maybe when they're older!) and page after page nothing caught his eye until this banana. he loved it and loved wearing it.
and actually on Halloween we got costumes for Russ and I.
French Fries and the Hamburglar.
he' such a creep. ha!
the 4th annual halloween parade! we usually have a powerful candy cannon but this year we had to improvise. a basket + exercise bands. (with a ninja, Flo from Progressive and Russ)
they kept getting pelted with candy so they ended up in glasses and welding masks.
i need to find and collage all the pics of these boys on halloween. there's pretty much one every year. they're so silly and in their own world at all times. Hayes has a power ranger!
Cal slept through the parade but was still stoked to be a banana:
cracking me up in the back seat. being all banana-y.
one more of Russ. the biggest kid of all.
How did I just discover you had your own blog?! all these photos are darling! the fall leaves are amazing! great shots!
The view from your trip looks so breathtakingly spectacular. How I wish I could go on a road trip and sight see this season too. Hahaha! Anyway, your mom's yard is just dreamy. The kids seem to be enjoying all those times in the great outdoors. Also, I love the quirky, fast-food inspired costumes you guys got for Halloween. Thank you for sharing all those lovely pictures! Wishing you guys all the best!
Gwendolyn Reyes @ Tapestry
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