
gotta have my pops

rice cereal days I & II
he loves it, and we roll laughing every time he eats it.

Hayes' tip -- if dad can't shovel it in fast enough, lap up whatever dropped onto the tray.

we've finally got sunshine after a few days of beautiful all-night-long thunder, rain & lightning
so i'm taking my new thrifted jogging stroller ($15!) out for a spin.

i'll definitely be employing the playlist i drummed up for August at Have Your Cake
you can get all my playlists here.

hope everyone has a nice weekend!


Kimberly Ngarupe said...

love hayes.

Meagan + Michael said...

I've been looking for a second hand jogger forever! Hayes is so cute!

uncle collin said...

First pic looks just like Quincey, goodneh graysha.

Lindsay said...

love the new blog set up. I need help!

ConnieB said...

I saw your blog on q & a - I love it! Too cute!

JamieW said...

I agree with Collin - he looks very much Quincey in the first pic. So cute!

Kit said...

Ahhhhhh Door a buhl!!!

He is as smart as his "can do" daddy in solving practical problems!

I know you told me about the "first food" experience in person at my house but so FUN to see the photos!

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