
more summer

It snowed yesterday so naturally I'm revisiting Summer pics. 
like when we went to our first monster truck rally. Cal was so cute. clapping the whole time and then dancing for a solid three minutes for the camera.
 then we hit up the CRAZY expensive fair. $9 for a ferris wheel ride, really? we slipped the guy a $5 in cash and he let us on free. #carnies. every time we got to this position Hayes would flip and wave like a maniac, shaking the bucket an freaking me out.

Cal had the time of his life. My mom thought it was hilarious to shake our bucket. i swear i almost had a heart attack. brought back memories of riding on the back of her jet ski at lake powell. this lady is a wild woman!

a end of Summer stay cation at the Grand America. the boys get their dad's summer tan.

 it's unbeatable in the Summertime! 
we did three sessions of the cheap rec center swim lessons this summer.
one with Hayes' buddy Porter and two with Gus. it seemed like they were doing the same stuff day in and day out and then BAM he was just swimming one day. he has gotten more and more daring and comfortable since this day. being a good swimmer is non-negotiable for me so i am thrilled that he's improved so much!
dinner that night

so much tramp time. with every jump he would yell "karate!" "karate!"

these guys fight so dang much, but when they play well it's so good. 

at the very end of the Summer we stayed up in Logan and Bear Lake for Russ' grandma Pip's 80th birthday. we spent a couple days with the Whites which is always so fun.

and then surprised Pip.

she's the best.

we spent a handful of evenings up the canyon with Collin and their camper Sweet Pea.
here's Avery taking the boys on a blind hike. they put their beanies over their eyes and she showed them around. it was hilarious.


one huge change we made this Summer is Russ with my brother in law Tim started flipping houses. like all things Russ does, he mentions it once to me and then somehow days later it's happening. he's a go-getter for sure! somehow in only a few months they're already on their 4th house. so proud of him, his business is really taking off and he's hired a bunch of guys (and one middle aged woman, i'm told, too!) after so many years of building his business this has been an exciting development.
this one is his 3rd house, i went up mid-project, and now it's on the market! it's the most darling house, with modern lines and giant windows and a giant yard. i sort of want to live there. in sugarhouse!

i love this stage of life. where having two kids close together stops being such a sweat-fest and starts being super lovely.

Hayes played soccer this Summer, too! he would have spurts of aggression and sprinting, and then totally unaware and wanting to hold babies on the sideline. he has several older boys in our neighborhood who play on our yard all the time and that seems to have piqued his interest more than a formal game setting. 

birthday parties galore! they LOVED getting their faces painted.

best friends!

1 comment:

Mara and Jae said...

My husband has always wanted his own business (he did have a lawn care/landscaping business for a few years). The last couple years it has been an obsession about flipping houses! We bought a real doozy of a house and totally took it down to studs and started over. Since then it's all he wants to do. So awesome that your husband is doing it! Maybe he could hire mine... ;)

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