
christmas 2015

This was in the thick of the nausea, barfing, laying around all day. A rough Winter for certain. I took hardly any pictures and just really did nothing but watch TV. It's all I could muster and simultaneously keep my mind off how sick I felt. Pregnancy is a B. Sitting here writing this at 16 weeks I honestly don't know if I can pull off another pregnancy. I felt so much different as a 24 year old, now being 30 I am feeling it in a different way. But, enough complaints! So grateful to be able to have another baby, to be able to do this even if haphazardly. 

Temple Square with siblings! My two very not-mormon siblings but they were good sports. And Lauren! Bethany and Lauren are getting married next Fall! Super exciting. 

Pretty pic of Hayes. We're just Summer people I don't know what else to say! Making the most of it.

Winter's Nap. Yep, still doing it.

Couple swim sessions over Christmas break.

Christmas at Gigi's in Manti - just a quick overnighter but fun to have with everyone! Weird that the three parents who lived close all moved away in the last two years? Dad to New Zealand, Ingrid to Yucca Valley, Mom to Manti. Russ's dads still live in the Mid-West, but if anything it is nice to be forced to rely on yourselves together as a couple. To find your own safety net and help and sitters. My siblings being close is always such a gift so if they moved away - so help me!

Our own Christmas with Casey too. He slept over and it was fun!
boys in jammies and waiting to open their gifts.

cal's half birthday celebration at school. What a nut!

I told you I didn't take many pics! Here's to the Spring post having more girth. ;)

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