

With the house being built and Russ not working we knew we were staying put all Summer long. No trips and Russ would be putting in major hours while the weather works in our favor! We need to be done with the exterior before it gets too cold so it was a Summer of intense focus for both of us. Our kids did great, Raleigh slept three times a day and the boys (tenderest mercy of all time) played with townhouse neighbors every day while Raleigh slept and I worked. I felt guilty at times that there wasn't more grand adventures and Summer gestures but they had the best time. Such a blessing.

Again with the backwards upload:

I have never hiked Timp in my 20 years of living here. Did it with these buddies and it took 8 ish hours. My shoes were the worst and getting down that mountain took some serious effort and pain. So glad I did it though!! We all decided we're saddle people and not summit people. The saddle was beautiful!!

Father's and Son's campout:

4th of July:

Also a first! Got up in time for the balloons! // Parade
Memorial Day

Broke in the Summer means you sit outside the concert venue and listen to Guster play like cheapskates.

Hiked the Grotto and to Scout Falls and Cecret Lake this Summer too! Got a bunch checked off our Utah to-do list!

Aquarium with Ross's

Lake with Noonan's

House progress! Footings and foundation took FOREVER. Russ was a trooper.

Fishing with cousins!

Strawberry Days parade

Raleigh always wanting in on the action!

Visiting my mom's B&B for Rat Fink (classic car show)

Bridal veil a few times!

hayes' baseball games.

More Strawberry Days!

We love you Summer, even if you tried to kill us all.

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